Safe to be me

Subtitle: Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services, A resource pack for professionals Publisher: AgeUK Country: UK Pages: 40 This resource is written for anyone working or volunteering in health, social care or the voluntary sector who would like to support older people who are…

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Ageing: Biographical approaches for Inclusive Care Support

Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Country: UK Pages: 224 This book demonstrates how biographical approaches can increase understanding about the distinct perspectives of older LGBT people, enhancing inclusive care and support. Chapters explore people’s expectations and fears surrounding care and service provision, the impact of discrimination, and specific issues such as HIV, dementia and end-of-life care.…

Don’t look back?

Subtitle: Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users Publisher: Equality and Human Rights Commission Country: UK Pages: 36 Very little data exists that compares LGB and heterosexual populations. The evidence is even more limited for older LGB people. The existing evidence suggests that LGB people face many of the same issues…