A searchable library of predominantly UK publications, videos and articles pertinent to SAND’s work. As such, these resources have a focus on older and old LGBT+ people and the services and providers they are likely to need as they age, alongside more generic resources, such as glossaries.

Their listing on this site is not an endorsement by, or recommendation from, SAND – it is merely a collection in one place, for your convenience. Please be mindful that these reports will age and that things change fairly rapidly – we have provided publishing dates wherever we can find them, so that you can use your own judgement.
The resources are each tagged using key words from the Subject headings of the Skills for Care Learning Framework,

LGBT+ experiences of bereavement and grief

Emerging from the concept of disenfranchised grief, Cruse Bereavement Support and SAND recognise the travesty of people being excluded from the death and dying of the people they love and the ongoing impact that this has on all concerned.

Increasingly, as a society we are talking and hearing more about good deaths and recognise the need to be part of those conversations. This short film highlights the unique additional complexities that need to be validated and considered by Cruse and other external organisations.

Date: October 2024

Publisher: SAND

Country: UK

Length: 06:13

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SAND’s journey to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion 2012 – 2024

SAND commissioned a film maker to work with us over 18 months to capture the journey we have been on since 2012, with a particular focus on the 5 year period of our Lottery funded project titled EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion. It was an iterative process as we all learned together how to pull out the key stages, articulate our approach and put the emphasis in the right places! We hope that this film will help others to take forward their work on inclusion.

Publisher: SAND

Date: October 2024

Country: UK

Length: 13:41

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EMBRACE Review and Plan

PDF cover page

Subtitle: Sustaining a culture of inclusion in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin

Publisher: SAND

Date: 2024

Country: UK

Pages: 9

In the interests of sustaining a culture of inclusion in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, a workshop at the 2023 Small Steps Big Difference Conference identified the need to really flesh out the key features of an inclusive organisation to ensure that Covenantees could work on these within their own organisations as and when they feel they need.

In addition to responding to this, EMBRACE Review & Plan also aims to address the concern that organisations who are really flying with all this turn inwards and forget the huge additional value of this being a county-wide initiative with everyone having a role to play.

The premise for all of this is the belief that: If we really want things to change, we need to avoid piecemeal and/or fragmented approaches and to maximise on existing work, capacity and resources.

So, if we are from an organisation which provides services to older and old people, the Review & Plan Guide helps us to

• be an inclusive organisation
• keep a county wide emphasis
• weave it into existing work

EMBRACE Review & Plan is its own call to action!

In a very practical sense, it is a step-by-step guide to a do-it-yourself 90 minute meeting which is appropriate for existing Covenantees and for organisations coming to this for the first time.

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Report on Research about LGBT Carers

PDF Cover

Description: Research on unpaid LGBT carers is limited, with most studies focusing on HIV/AIDS care, particularly for gay men. Key findings emphasize the need for more research on diverse aspects of LGBT caregiving, including the importance of being “out,” the role of community support, and the unique challenges faced by lesbian and trans carers.

Publisher: LGBT Research Information Desk

Date: 2010

Country: UK

Pages: 20

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Navigating later life

PDF Cover

Description: Most of the issues, advice and policies that relate to later life apply to everyone in the same way – but there are some things that affect lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) people differently. As an LGBT+ person, you have rights that are recognised by law. This guide can help you understand your rights and make sure they’re respected. It can also help you navigate systems that might feel confusing.

Publisher: Age UK

Date: 2024

Country: UK

Pages: 52

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Supporting LGBTQ+ carers

PDF Cover

Subheading: A good practice briefing

Description: When comparing the experiences of lesbian,gay and bisexual carers to heterosexual carers, the research
found that lesbian, gay and bisexual carers were:

  • more likely to have poor mental health
  • more anxious about their current financial situation
  • more likely to say they were struggling financially
  • more likely to feel lonely or isolated

Publisher: Carers UK

Date: 2023

Country: UK

Pages: 23

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Can You See Us?

PDF Cover

Subheading: Experiences of LGBT Carers in England

Description: LGBT Foundation and Gaddum launched a project to better understand LGBT+ carer’s needs and to look at how services should be improved to better support LGBT+ carers

Publisher: Gaddum / LGBT Foundation

Date: 2021

Country: England

Pages: 22

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70 Years through LGBT Eyes

Screenshot of video

Publisher: SAND

Publication Date: January 2022

Country: UK

Length: 22:08

Description: From the 1950s to the early 2020s, this short film puts LGBT+ lives in their topical context.
We introduce you to Bill, Louise, Charlie, Robert and Jane – these are ‘characters’ based on many individuals’ experiences shared with SAND. We follow their lives through the decades, highlighting social and political changes on the way. The film is designed to prompt thoughts about people’s lives and experiences which may be different from our own.

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