This page is for those who have started their journey to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and are looking for a bit of help or some ideas to keep things underway or take the next steps.

We have included an indication of the time needed to spend on the resource and each of these can be extended by including an exercise or a discussion.

How long have you got?
6 mins

Use this to develop training or information-based materials if you provide end of life or bereavement related services.

Resource description: FILM – The Circle – LGBT+ Experiences of Bereavement and Grief. Building on the image and script provided in the Beginners Resources, this short film produced in partnership with Cruse Bereavement Support illustrates how The Circle can be used to identify the issues which may arise for older and old LGBT+ people accessing end of life and bereavement services. It uses quotes from research with powerful effect.

How long have you got?
30 – 90 mins

Use this if you want to make your social care organisation or business more inclusive

Resource description: WEBPAGE & CHECKLIST – This organisational tool’s concept began with SAND as a way for social care providers to ensure older and old LGBT+ residents and service users are recognised and can be guaranteed safe and comfortable care. Partners in Care developed it further, to focus on leaders and managers and reflect working practice and relationships within the care sector. This document can be used at any level of an organisation’s journey, bringing with it confidence and an understanding that with a little effort and a whole lot of awareness you can secure and maintain an environment of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Link: Checklist

How long have you got?
20 mins

Use this to add more content to training materials or information if you work in carer support services

Resource description: EXPERIENTIAL QUOTES – Carers. This paper highlights some of the key issues that older and old LGBT+ people may face in relation to receiving personalised, dignified, informed, compassionate, understanding care and support – be they the carer or cared-for. The information contained here can be used more broadly, to feed into training, stimulate conversations with colleagues or inform leaflets or other formats as appropriate.

How long have you got?
20 mins

Find examples of ‘coming out’ to get your message across to staff and volunteers

Resource description: WEB PAGE – Coming Out – When we come out as LGBT+, we can never be sure what the reaction will be. Immediate reactions can range from warm and welcoming to indifferent or defensive to outright hostile. Furthermore, coming out can have longer-term consequences, such as damaged relationships with friends and family, or job or housing implications. All of this can make coming out quite stressful. Now imagine having to do that constantly throughout your life!

How long have you got?
6 mins

Bring local LGBT+ voices into the room at the beginning of a refresher meeting, or at the end of training

Resource description: FILM – Dignity Day – this short film is a good one to use at the end of the session as it leaves people feeling uplifted. Made locally it brings the voices of older and old LGBT+ people into the room as they share what the term ‘dignity’ means to them.

How long have you got?
30 – 90 mins

Touch base annually to keep joined-up inclusive work firmly on your organisational agenda

Resource description: GUIDE – EMBRACE Review & Plan – call a meeting with appropriate colleagues to take a focused look at this 8-part guide. It should help you to ensure that you are on track with your county-wide approach to inclusion and to maintain efficiency with the time and resources that you are able to give to this work.

Link: Guide

How long have you got?

A complete resource pack for EMBRACE trained facilitators

Resource description: FACILITATORS’ PACK – Between 2022 and 2024, 36 people from 22 different organisations took part in the EMBRACE Facilitator Training. This consisted of 54 hours of learning with the aim of being able to facilitate conversations within their own organisations in a way which would work for them and for their colleagues. These Facilitators were given access to an online pack which is password protected and they continue to network bi-monthly to share, learn & inspire. This network is now administrated by Community Resource and is open to new members in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. These new members will be buddied and supported by existing Facilitators and, once fully onboard, will be given the password for the pack by their buddy.

Link: Facilitators’ Pack (Password protected)