Am I Sure?

Subtitle: Working with older lesbians, gay men, bisexual men and women and transgender people (LGBT) in the North of Scotland Publisher: Highland Rainbow Folk Country: UK Pages: 12 A booklet for care providers highlighting issues affecting older and old LGBT+ people

Sexual Orientation

Subtitle: A guide for the NHS Publisher: Stonewall Date: 2017 Country: UK Pages: 44 This guide for NHS organisations offers practical advice about how to meet the needs of lesbian, gay and bisexual people– both as patients and as NHS staff. Each and every Trust featured in this guide is committed to securing fair outcomes…

Beyond Tolerance

Subtitle: Making sexual orientation a public matter Publisher: Equality and Human Rights Commission Date: 2017 Country: UK Pages: 39 Our groundbreaking new research shows that in 21st century Britain, despite legal advances, homophobia still has an unacceptable everyday impact on the lives of LGB people. Attitudes have undergone a sea change over the last few…

Safe to be me

Subtitle: Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services, A resource pack for professionals Publisher: AgeUK Country: UK Pages: 40 This resource is written for anyone working or volunteering in health, social care or the voluntary sector who would like to support older people who are…

Dementia Equity and Rights

Publisher: AgeUK, et al Country: UK Pages: 56 (LGBT Chapter starts p45) This publication looks across all the protected characteristics and flags up issues where the risk and prevalence of dementia may vary for different groups and how access and provision of services must take into account the needs of particular groups. Minority groups often…