What am I afraid of?

Country: UK Length: 14:07 Publisher: John Raybould A short documentary film highlighting the views of some of the LGBT ‘baby boomers’ whose life stories began during and just after World War II. Their experiences of how society has perceived them over the years now colours their expectations and fears about when they may no longer…

Don’t look back?

Subtitle: Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users Publisher: Equality and Human Rights Commission Country: UK Pages: 36 Very little data exists that compares LGB and heterosexual populations. The evidence is even more limited for older LGB people. The existing evidence suggests that LGB people face many of the same issues…

Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People in Later Life

Publisher: Stonewall Date: 2010 Country: UK Pages: 36 Old age can be a hugely exciting time for some but for others, both heterosexual and gay, it can be a time of anxiety and concern. This pioneering research examined the expectations that both heterosexual and gay people have about getting older and underlines how their experiences…

Gay and Pleasant Land?

Country: UK Length: 05:31 Publisher: Kip Jones Date: 2009 Comments: A study about positioning, ageing and gay life in rural South West England and Wales The Gay and Grey project investigated the needs, wants, fears and aspirations of older lesbians and gay men. This study’s conclusions were that older gays and lesbians feel at risk…

The whole of me…

Subtitle: Meeting the needs of older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals living in care homes and extra care housing: A resource pack for professionals Publisher: Age Concern Country: UK Pages: 44 This is an old one but a good one. Produced in 2006, it is still, nearly 20 years later, full of interesting and useful…