Building a sense of community

Subtitle: Including older LGBT in the way we develop and deliver housing with care Publisher: Housing Learning & Improvement Network Country: UK Pages: 12 Set against a backdrop of an increasingly ageing population and a time of growing awareness of the housing with care needs of an older population, we set out to provide a…

The route to success in end of life care

Subtitle: Achieving quality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people Publisher: NHS National End of Life Care Programme Country: UK Pages: 36 This practical implementation document aims to address end of life care needs in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people, in order to improve quality of care. It has been developed…

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Ageing: Biographical approaches for Inclusive Care Support

Publisher: Jessica Kingsley Publishers Country: UK Pages: 224 This book demonstrates how biographical approaches can increase understanding about the distinct perspectives of older LGBT people, enhancing inclusive care and support. Chapters explore people’s expectations and fears surrounding care and service provision, the impact of discrimination, and specific issues such as HIV, dementia and end-of-life care.…