We are delighted that so many of the early adopters of the Covenant have reached the point where inclusion really is embedded into their day to day work, their policies, induction training and reporting systems – some even have a budget line.

This page contains some resources to help to maintain that position – perhaps when things slip or there is a feeling that a little push or inspiration might help.

How long have you got?

90 mins

Use this to reflect and plan actions which help you to maintain a culture of inclusion

Resource description: GUIDE – EMBRACE Review & Plan – this 8-part guide has been designed as an annual review system to keep you on track. It very intentionally encourages a strategic approach to county-wide inclusive practice and embedding within existing systems and reporting structures. It is important to have key people engaged in the review & planning process to keep your organisational culture of inclusion robust.

Link: Guide

How long have you got?

20 mins

Get some ideas about how on earth you can recognise and articulate any change happening as a result of all this work

Resource description: WEBPAGE – a guide to Illustrating meaningful change – questions you can ask yourselves and LGBT+ people to understand that change is actually happening as a result of your work to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion

Link: Guide

How long have you got?

90 mins

Use this to add more content to training materials or information if you provide end of life or bereavement-related services

Resource description: EXPERIENTIAL QUOTES –  End of Life, Bereavement and grief. This paper contains the extensive collection of quotes from research which informed the development of the short film shared on the Intermediate Resources Page developed with Cruse Bereavement Support. The information in this paper is now available to be used more broadly, to feed into training or leaflets or other formats as appropriate. It illustrates how a collection of information can be widely useful.

How long have you got?


Resource description: FILM – Skills for Care Learning Framework in practice – overview and case study

To add in from SSBD-2024

How long have you got?

7 mins

Use this to get ideas for future work to be more inclusive

Resource description: FILM – Taking Steps Towards Inclusion – inspiring examples from different service providers about their successful interventions, produced as a Case Study for the Skills for Care Learning Framework for knowledge, skills and values for working affirmatively with LGBTQ+ people in later life.