In the interests of sustaining a culture of inclusion in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, a workshop at the 2023 Small Steps Big Difference Conference identified the need to really flesh out the key features of an inclusive organisation to ensure that Covenantees could work on these within their own organisations as and when they feel they need.
In addition to responding to this, EMBRACE Review & Plan also aims to address the concern that organisations who are really flying with all this turn inwards and forget the huge additional value of this being a county-wide initiative with everyone having a role to play.
The premise for all of this is the belief that: If we really want things to change, we need to avoid piecemeal and/or fragmented approaches and to maximise on existing work, capacity and resources.
So, if we are from an organisation which provides services to older and old people, the Review & Plan Guide helps us to
• be an inclusive organisation
• keep a county wide emphasis
• weave it into existing work
EMBRACE Review & Plan is its own call to action!
In a very practical sense, it is a step-by-step guide to a do-it-yourself 90 minute meeting which is appropriate for existing Covenantees and for organisations coming to this for the first time.