Publisher: Public Health England
Date: 2018
Country: England
Pages: 37
There is evidence that lesbian, bisexual and other women who have sex with women (LBWSW) experience significant health inequalities, and specific barriers to services and support.
LBWSW face complex and interconnected experiences of social disadvantage and barriers to being and flourishing as ‘who they are’ linked to their sex, gender and sexual orientation and these negative experiences are often compounded by age, social class, ethnicity, disability and/or faith.
This report is based on a systematic best evidence review commissioned by Public Health England.
In the context of the wider determinants of health there is also evidence of inequalities across a range of areas, some of which may reflect the impact of discrimination and marginalisation, such as income and employment, domestic violence and sexual assault and homelessness and housing, among others.
Although this report highlights deficits in the knowledge base about inequalities affecting LBWSW populations, it is important to reflect that there is also a strong asset base within these communities, with varying levels of social and community networks and organisations supporting LBWSW to live flourishing lives.