We may seem quiet but have no fear, behind the scenes the SAND-wheels are turning. Our new team – which now includes Jade Smith as Events & Volunteer Officer, is hatching plans to increase activity multi-fold. We actually met face to face last week (for the first time ever for some of us!) and had some great discussions about a 12 month calendar of events and activities. We also got to see what our preferred footwear is – something we have all missed over Zoom!
Trudy (Marketing & Design Officer) will be working on a regular e-newsletter to keep you in touch with what is going on and Fran (Community Engagement Officer) is designing lots of outreach with retro-games thrown in (hmmm – that’s cryptic!). They are each on 10 hours per week so it is small steps for us but wow, what a difference a team makes.
Since our move to the Roy Fletcher Centre in Shrewsbury Town Centre, we have pushed the boat out to invest in a landline – this goes to Voice mail and we receive an email alert to let us know that someone has called: 01743 590023. [and if the phone in the picture looks funny then click the blue link to watch this: This’ll make you laugh]
Our 5 year Campaign to EMBRACE A Culture of Inclusion is nearly 2 years in (or year starts on 1st June), so we will be pulling together a report on the past 12 months which we will, of course, share.